Modern Gem Day Retreat

from $297.00

I want you to leave this day retreat feeling lighter and more empowered, with a clearer understanding of yourself, what you need, and specific-to-you next best steps.

Join me in our modern gem for a day. A week before the retreat, you’ll receive pre-retreat homework that will get you started in cutting through the noise of your life and lasering in on what lights you up (in case you’ve forgotten), what might be getting in your way, and some actionable steps for the new year. Bring questions to the retreat about whatever it is you’re feeling, working on, stuck in, creating, navigating, or moving through, and we’ll get clear on your next best steps. I might ask you questions about your question, I might pull the perfect exercise out of my sleeve for the group, we might set up connections for accountability moving forward … who knows? I can’t wait to see where it leads.

A small group of women (8) will arrive as strangers and leave with deep meaningful connections.

Friday, April 26th, 2024

**Early Bird Pricing until 3/15/2024 - $297, regularly $330**

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What can I expect?

Clarity and connection. You’ll leave with new friends, ideas, mindsets, and next best steps and ah-has. Alsoooo, a therapy dog and lap cat will be here to snuggle. Take your Zyrtec if you need it.


Our mid-century modern gem built in 1966. This historic house with walls of windows sits on a creek in St. Louis, Missouri, and was built by the architect for himself. It has since been tastefully renovated by previous owners, but it’s the kind of house we have to clean every room of before anyone comes over because people inevitably want to see it all. The address will be sent after registration.

This might be for you if…

  • you're just not yourself, but you're not sure what to do differently. 

  • you feel more alone than you'd like.

  • you're feeling like a battery that needs to be charged. 

  • you have growing resentment.

  • you're tired of not feeling heard and understood. 

  • you're not sure if you're feeling all this right...or enough.

  • maybe you're beating yourself up for not smiling more, not being more positive, and not feeling more blessed. 

  • and maybe you're a little weird...and you used to be a lot more fun. 

  • you dread January and February and want to proactively infuse this time of year with some serious self-care.

Some questions I’ve been asked:

“If I have been or am currently a client, would I still get something out of it?” Ohhhh, yes.

“Is this for just moms?” and “What if my kids are grown?” This is not a moms’ retreat… although moms are welcome and will surely benefit from the content and connection.

What times are the sessions?

9 am-12:30, break for lunch, then 1:30-6 pm.

What’s for lunch?

Lunch is included and will be decided upon once all dietary restrictions and preferences are considered. It’ll be gooooood. Promise. Something like tacos :)

Where do we stay?

Airbnbs or hotels nearby. If you want to make a weekend out of this, I recommend staying near walkable areas like Clayton or the Central West End.

Nearest airport?

Lambert International Airport - STL


$330 + $15 for Lunch - Currently on sale for $297 + $15 for Lunch

What if I need to cancel?

You can get a refund (minus 5% for payment processor fees) up until 10 days before the event, at which point you’ll receive a credit for a future event.

Register now for upcoming events:

Friday, January 26th (SOLD OUT)

Friday, April 26th